Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Using remote controlled sex toys when spouses live in different countries

Q: My wife and I live in different countries, and I have been advised that using sex toys is permissible if used by one's partner.

My question is: Can we use a remote-controlled sex toy, where I have control at times and she also has control at other times? Does this fall under acceptable use, or is it considered masturbation?

Secret nikaah and publicizing it after a while

Q: I am a 53 year old divorced female. My first cousin is 62 and he is recently divorced. We are both single, and are considering making Nikah. Because our families are very close, we are afraid that if we have a public Nikah, and the marriage subsequently does not work, this will cause immense stress on the entire family. Is it possible for us to do a non-public / secret Nikah for a while and then if all works out, we will then tell the family that we are married.

Informing one's prospective spouse about one's medical condition

Q: I was diagnosed with psoriasis 3 years back. When it initially came, it was bad where my body was almost covered with it. Upon taking the treatment biologics injections, it cleared rapidly in 2-3 months.

Since Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition I have to keep it in control and according to doctors it cannot be cured completely, but there are medications which can keep it in control. I know few people who have been cured from it (remission).

After this initial major outbreak, I was pretty much clear from it by the grace of Allah for the past 3 years.

Only this year, in 2023, it was a little bad for around 6 months where 5-8% of my body was covered, according to the doctor since i was off my medication for 1.5 years.

When I was on medication I used to get few plaques during winters which covered around 3% of the body and they got cleared in summers in 2-4 months. Rest of the months I was 99.9% clear of it.

Now I have started the medication again and it is in control where I have around 1-2% of involvement and hoping it will be cleared in 1-2 months inshallah. I take injections once every month now.

Other than this condition I am healthy and normal and I also work by Allah's grace.

I am planning to get married. Given my history of this condition should I inform my prospective spouse about this condition. I feel nobody will be interested after I inform them about it. So I am not able to take a decision due to this. Doctors told me that it is perfectly okay to get married living with this condition.

Status of the marriage if one member is involved in constant zina

Q: I wanted to ask if there is a lady and she has a husband who has had an affair which she recently discovered was also physical in nature for 2 years or so with a married woman, is the nikaah nullified for the wife?

As this husband continues to commit adultery and simultaneously have relationship with the wife? If the marriage is not nullified, what dua should one make for reconciliation after such deceit?