Hajj & Umrah

Son completing hajj before his parents

Q: My husband and I are living abroad. He sends money to his parents and other relatives on a monthly basis. We have not performed hajj yet but his parents are asking fro money for them to do hajj? We live in a rented house and save a little every month.

Is it permissible for them to ask for money for hajj from their son before their son does hajj himself? He and his brother are providing for his family monthly and they have enough money to do hajj but still they are asking for more.

Taking care of one's sister in Madinah Munawwarah without performing Umrah

Q: I came to Madinah to my sister who went through a big hardship. She is emotionally in need of me, she can look after herself now physically after recovering Alhumdillah. I did not come with the intention of performing umrah and wish to spend all available time to help my sister (I believe this is also ibaadat).

Will it be a sin on me if I do not perform umrah before leaving? I have never visited Makkah before. I am mentally extremely worried for my sister. I had always wished and prayed for visiting the Ka'aba but I don't want it to be a half-hearted visit.