Ramadhaan & Fasting

Changing one's clothes during I'tikaaf

Q: I understand that one is allowed to change his clothes during Itikaf. In the Haram Shareef at Makkah and Madinah since there is no privacy, is it ok if one changes his clothes in the toilet when one goes to attend nature's call? Of course care is taken that one does not leave the Haram only for changing the clothes but does it when it is unavoidable to leave to fulfil the need to go to the toilet to relieve oneself.

Breastfeeding while fasting

Q: I would be grateful if Mufti Saheb could advise me on what is best course of action with regards to my situation as follows:

Ramadhan is just around the corner. I have a 9 month old baby who is breastfeeding and two other children. The fasting days, will be very long, as I live in the UK. What should I do in this situation?

  1. Should I carry on breastfeeding while I observe the fasts?
  2. Or should I wean my baby off so then I may be able to fast bearing in mind that she's hardly one year old in age?
  3. Or do I continue breastfeeding but do not observe fast and make up the fasting days immediately after Ramadhan?
  4. Or should I teach her to drink from the bottle, drinking my milk, and observe the fasts?

Please advise accordingly.  Also, I am a Shafi'ee.

Previous years qadha fasts and kaffara for breaking a fast intentionally

Q: As Ramadhaan is nearing so I thought of covering up all my Qadha roza but I don't have the exact count of the Qadha roza. What should I do in this case? Also I have Qadha roza of the previous few years and I don't remember how many they are. 

I had once broken my fast when I was young but baaligh, but I did not know that it was a major sin. How do I cover up for that?