Hajj & Umrah

Trimming the hair and coming out of ihraam

Q: I live in Saudi Arabia. I performed Umrah one week ago, when it comes to do qasr or halq, I got pain in on the side of my foot. I reached quickly  at the barber shop, they were closing shop due to prayer. I insisted but they refused to cut, they instead cut some hair from the upper side and another person with me also done it. After Prayer I wanted to cut my hair further, but due to much pain in the foot I could not go there. Then some one told me it is necessary to cut quarter  of the head but I could not do it, now  i'm back at home, and was thinking about it, either that qasr is enough for me or not, so my question is was this act enough to become halaal or not? If not, what do I have to do right now?

Woman covering her face in ihraam

Q: A female scholar in Masjid Nabwi told my wife that it is permissible to cover the face while doing Umrah and that there is no proof for covering the face while doing umrah. She followed her instruction and did umrah while her face was covered with niqaab. Was the female scholar correct? Does my wife have to pay any type of compensation?

Questions relating to umrah


  1. I'm travelling for umra with my family in a few days. I have 4 children's, they are 11 (daughter) 9, 7 & 4 (sons) years of age. Will they have to wear ihram and does the rules of ihram/umra apply to them equally?
  2. My late father made a vow to take my youngest brother and perform umra with him. I'm planning to fulfil this vow. The only thing is my younger brother is disabled (Down syndrome). Does he have to wear ihram and does the  rules of umra apply to him?
  3. Which is more rewarding to perform nafal umra or nafal tawaf?
  4. If I perform a nafal tawaf/umra does it have to be for only one person or can I perform 1 nafal tawaf/umra for more then 1 person?