Ramadhaan & Fasting

Waking up with some blood in one's mouth while fasting

Q: In Ramadhaan, when I wake up in the morning after sehri and performing fajar (for example 10 am). I always have a blood and it's taste in my mouth and I'm sure that it must have entered in my throat. What should I do for this because this is something impossible for me to control. And if this breaks fast then it means I have to repeat all my fasts. This problem is continuous with me. I cannot even make up previous fasts.

Missing one day of kaffaarah fast due to traveling

Q: I broke a fast in Ramadhaan due to intercourse. I am making it up by fasting 60 days. I haven't finished it yet, with the menstrual cycles in between, I have only fasted 40 days so far. I have to go on a 1 day trip regarding one of my degree courses. I will travel from the morning, visit a site then travel back the same day during the day around or close to maghrib. Can I not fast this day and then continue towards my 60 day goal (reason: travel)? Or what is the ruling towards it?