Ramadhaan & Fasting

Kaffaarah for having intercourse with one's wife while fasting in the month of Ramadhaan

Q: I have a kaffarah for breaking a fast due to intimacy during time of fast. May allah forgive me.

Do I have to fast for 60 consecutive days or can I feed 60 individuals?

Also, if I have to fast should I do it with no delays after Ramadhaan? My issue is that I'm waiting for a doctors appointment which I have delayed already. The appointment for endoscopy will consist of taking medicine before hand and then I will go under general anesthetic. My concern is if I have to fast and I get an appointment from the doctors, I will not be able to keep the 60 consecutive fasts.

Therefore do I start and have a break for 2 days then continue? 

Kaffaarah for having intercourse with one's wife while fasting in the month of Ramadhaan

Q: About 8 years ago, I had sexual intercourse with my wife while fasting in the month of Ramadaan. I didn't know that time if this was a violation or haraam or if there is any kaffara that needs to be paid. Later I have realized that I might've made a mistake or committed a sin. So I would like to ask what shall I do now? Is there any kaffara that needs to be paid r just ask forgiveness from Allah?

Giving money to a student to assist him in his studies for the missed fast and salaah of one's father

Q: Dad was ill in hospital and shortly after he got admitted he passed away. He did not give wasiyat for his missed fast and salaah, so I've taken it upon myself to fulfil some sort of kaffarah (fidyah) on his behalf, and insha'allah Allah will accept.

In terms of spending the kaffarah (fidyah), there is a young baligh male who is from a poor family and needs to sort out his final year of studies in order for him to get his degree/diploma in order to move forward with his life.

Is it possible for me to give him the money or a 3rd party who is currently financially responsible for his payments to pay off his final year of studies?