Ramadhaan & Fasting

Fasting being given priority over nafl ibaadat

Q: I would like to fast and try and see how far I can make it. The problem is that when I tried fasting last year, the medications I take for epilepsy are much stronger without food so I end up waking up after 11 or 12 noon most of the time and then don't have much energy for tilawat, zikr, etc.

Should I give fidya and put my tilawat, zikr, duaa, etc. first or fast? For me it's a matter of nafl or fardh, which is more important, the fast or the ibaadah and tilawat?

Fasting and making Eid according to the region you are in

Q: I live in one region and work at another. Most of the time it happens, that the first day of Ramadhan/Eid in both regions differs. Like, the region of my home has the first day of Ramadhan and Eid one day before the region of my work. I am always at my work region at the start of Ramadhan and for Eid I always go to my home region. By doing so I usually end up having one day less of Ramadhan (one less roza) 28 Days of Ramadhan instead of 29.

Please advise how should I proceed with this. Should I start Ramadhan with my home region even while I'm in my work region although all the other people are not having Ramadhan there? Or Should I fulfill that one day of Ramadhan after the Eid in my home region?

How to spend one's Ramadhaan

Q: How exactly should I spend my Ramadhaan? I really want to make a difference in myself and my life, but what should I do that will help with my character so I can improve in Ramadhaan and after Ramadhaan as well? Also, what other ibaadah can I perform besides nafl salaah?

Making fardh ghusal after sehri

Q: As the month of Ramadhaan approaches, I would like to ask the following:

1. If a person goes to sleep and upon waking up for sehri, he notices he is in need for a compulsory ghusal due to a dream he had. Can that person eat sehri, START HIS FAST and thereafter have a ghusal before fajr?

2. Or should he have a ghusal before sehri? (What if there is a fear of missing sehri?)

3. If a person does have a ghusal AFTER sehri before fajr, ONCE HE STARTED HIS FAST, will his fast be accepted/valid?

Qadha for fasts that were broken due to masturbating


1. Prior to 1 year earlier, I did not know that masturbation breaks the fast and I used to do it in the state of fasting. Do I still have to make qada even if I did not know it at that time?

2. If yes, how should I calculate how many fasts I should make qada for? I am not sure how many of my fasts were broken like this. How many qadas should I make if I did not know this for 5-6 years after becoming baligh?

3. Should I make qada for all the fasts for the past 5-6 years or is there a specific number I can keep to make it alright?

4. Am I obligated to keep all the qada fasts together or can I keep them once or twice a week?