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Qarz ki wusooli ke liye wazeefah Wazaaif, Urdu Questions
Quraan par haat rakh kar jhooti qasam khana Qasam owr mannat, Urdu Questions
Zina dekhne se tawbah karna Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Taking medication that contains alcohol Medication, Medical treatment, Miscellaneous
Qurbaani slaughter facility selling skins to a tannery Qurbaani, The Meat & Skin of the Qurbaani Animal, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Earning through academic writing Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Reading the Bible and other scriptures Aqaaid, Divine Books
Government job ko ghar me beth kar karna Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Getting cursed by Allah Ta'ala for committing zina and watching pornography Zina (Adultery), Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Calling one's mother in law "Ammi" In-Laws, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Husband telling wife to write "divorced" in marital status Written Talaaq, Talaaq
Does hurmat-e-musaaharah become established if a daughter touches her mother? Hurmat-e-Musaaharah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Meaning of "Allah is above the clouds" Allah Ta'ala, Aqaaid, Commentary, Hadith
Breaking the qasam in an unconscious state Oaths & Vows
Flu vaccines Vaccinations, Medical treatment, Miscellaneous
Attacking places of worship Jihaad and Slaves, Miscellaneous
Condition of the people of fatrah Aqaaid
The meaning of Haneef Meaning of Islamic words, Miscellaneous
Waalid saheb ka namaaz-e-janaazah parhana Janaazah, Urdu Questions
Pronouncing few words incorrectly in salaah Mistakes in Qiraat, Qiraat, Method of Salaah, Salaah
The ten commandments in Surah Baqarah Tafseer, Qur'an
Aurato ko hair colour lagana Baalo ke ahkaam, Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Will a civil divorce affect nikaah? Those situations where Talaaq takes place, Talaaq
How is zakaat on a gold coin calculated? Gold, silver and cash, Zakaat
Islamic way of how an adolescent should take a decision Advice
Farz namaazo ki tadaad Namaaz, Namaaz ke mutafarriq masaail, Urdu Questions
Wazeefah for depression Wazifas
Eating after sehri ends Sehri and Iftaar, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Keeping the name Minaal Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Husband telling his wife "we are over" Ambiguous words of Talaaq, Talaaq
Is there any situation when zina is allowed? Zina (Adultery), Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Giving zakaat to one's brother Recipients of Zakaat, Zakaat
Using words of greatness and majesty when speaking of Allah Ta'ala Allah Ta'ala, Aqaaid
Woman getting haidh before the fast of Aashuraa Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Do biwiyo ke darmiyaan baraabari karna Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Replying to the salaam of a non-Muslim Greeting non-Muslims, Salaam & Greeting, Miscellaneous
Husband lying about signing divorce papers Those situations where Talaaq does not take place, Talaaq
Talaaq before seclusion with one's wife Reconciling after the iddat, Talaaq
Practice of the Shias Aqaaid, Deviated Sects
Keeping the name Ayah Zia or Ayah Ikhlaas Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Sleeping with one's wife after seeing a strange woman Commentary, Hadith
Authenticity of a dua to be recited on Aashuraa Aqaaid, Authentication, Muharram & Aashuraa, Islamic Months & Virtuous Occasions, Hadith
Were the Bani Israaeel the most beloved nation to Allah? Other, History
Qaza Umri Namaaz, Qadha Namaaz, Urdu Questions
Marhoom waalidain ke liye qurbaani karna Qurbaani, Urdu Questions
Covering a small amount of the awrah that was exposed during salaah Clothing and Covering the Aurah, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Huzoor (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) se mahabbat kaise izhaar kare? Aqeeda, Urdu Questions
Making dua to become rich Zikr & Dua
Meaning of not getting deviated by the worldly life Tafseer, Qur'an
Making someone else take an oath Oaths & Vows