Nikaah & Marriage Issues

Semen retention

Q: Is semen retention (meaning after going to wife and not releasing semen) permissible? This is a meditative art to control the mind and body. I want to ask you that if I do not release semen or sperm after intercourse for 4 to 8 days? I don't do this for birth control but just for maintaining energy in my body. Is it permissible to do so?

Marrying a Jinn

Q: If a human and a genie have offspring, would it be considered a human or a jinn? How would that child be treated in the Aakhirat, as a human or jinn? If that child is born like a human and lives a life like humans only, but the parents are mixed (father is human and mother is a genie). If such offspring’s fall in love with humans are Muslim men/women allowed to marry such offspring who are a mix and living as human beings only and following Islam like every other human? Will this marriage be considerable by Allah and shariah? Is this marriage punishable in afterlife?