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Replying to a person who has a lack of understanding Advice
Breaking away from a person who has left Islam Aqaaid
Qasam torne ka kaffaarah Qasam owr mannat, Urdu Questions
Taking permission from the first wife to take a second wife Conditions for the validity of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Meeting one's relatives before going for hajj Various masaail of Hajj & Umarah, Hajj & Umrah
La ilmi me talaaq dena Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Marhoom waalid ki qaza namaaz aur roza ka fidyah dena fidyah dena, Namaaz, Qadha Namaaz, Urdu Questions
Living in a street where there is a temple Advice
Specializing in computer vision Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Taking money from someone whose father is employed in a bank Gifts, Business and Dealings
Women performing salaah in the Haram Various masaail of Hajj & Umarah, Hajj & Umrah
Emigrating to a non-Muslim country General, Miscellaneous
Reciting Surah Baqarah in the home Virtues, Qur'an
Keeping the name Ayman for a girl Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Woman working from home due to financial problems Women working, Business and Dealings
Restraint of trade agreement Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Ilaaj ke liye khargosh ka khoon peena Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Husband telling his wife "You are my sister" Those situations where Talaaq does not take place, Talaaq
Discharge after a wet dream Factors that break ghusal, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Translation of the word الذكرى Translation, Qur'an
Participating in bid'ah with the intention of reforming Aqaaid, Bid'ah
Second muqtadi joining the jamaat Straightening the saffs, Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah
Istisnaa sale Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Mistakenly making a badd dua Zikr & Dua
Marrying a woman one loved in Jannah Aqaaid, Jannah
Converting a flat into a musjid Construction of the Musjid, Musjid
Restaurant charging the customer a plate sharing fee Trade, Various masaail of trade, Business and Dealings
Using the word "Saheb" when addressing someone Titles, Names, Surnames & Titles
When is sexual relations with one's wife prohibited? Masaail relating to intimacy, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
"Mahr ki fikar na kare" ka muraad Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Ushr in a non-Muslim country Factors that make Zakaat compulsory, Zakaat
Definition of zaalim Meaning of Islamic words, Miscellaneous
Propagating Islam through literature Dawat and Tabligh
Using vacuum packed miswaaks while fasting Factors that break and don't break the fast, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Husband retracting from his confession of divorce Those situations where Talaaq does not take place, Talaaq
Performing Salaah without moving the lips Women's Salaah, Salaah
Woman changing her surname after marriage Surnames, Names, Surnames & Titles
Zakaat on gold owned by minor children Factors that make Zakaat compulsory, Zakaat
Using a store voucher given to one on one's birthday Gifts, Business and Dealings
Imaam performing Salaah on a chair Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Qualities of the Imaam, Salaah
Selling gold plated jewellery Gold, Silver and Money, Trade, Business and Dealings
Husband telling his wife "I want to divorce you" Those situations where Talaaq does not take place, Talaaq
Keeping the name Abdah Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Hurmat-e-musaaharah Hurmat-e-Musaaharah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Performing salaah with a thin scarf Women's Salaah, Salaah
Musafir lowg musjid me doosri jamaat karna Namaaz, Jamaat Namaaz aur Imaamat, Urdu Questions
Will the word "choro mujhe" constitute divorce? Ambiguous words of Talaaq, Talaaq
Sunnats and Aadaab of Nikaah and Walimah Sunnats of nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Engagement functions Customary practices, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Imaam standing up for the fifth rakaat Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Various masaail of Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah