
Discharging fidyah


1. With regards to paying fidyah for the deceased person's missed salaahs, what is the minimum amount in the form of wheat? 

2. An alternative to discharging the fidyah in the form of wheat or money is to feed one poor person 2 meals to their full for each salaah. Does it have to be the same poor person that is given two meals or can it be 2 poor persons given one meal each? Also, can one person be fed multiple times or given more than the stipulated amount of wheat? (E.g. Giving him 6 meals or a 10kg bag of wheat)? 

3. How would fidyah be calculated if given in the form of rice or maize? 

4. Are their any criteria for the recipients of the fidyah? Do they have to be Muslim and can children be fed as well or do they have to be adults? 

5. As these calculations come to quite exhorbitant amounts, is it permissible to discharge the fidya in a country where the price of food is cheaper such as India, and does mufti know of anyone in India who can assist us in having this done?

Not feeling the connection when making dua at the time of tahajjud

Q: Tonight I got up to pray tahajjud and when I started praying it felt like a tahajjud prayer though when I went into Sajda, I didn't feel the connection I thought I would, like I went to Allah in taha while crying and when I started praying all my tears were gone, I wasn't able to cry in my sujood. Does this mean I didn't pray it right?

As I checked that I did my wudu right and covered up my self right though still I feel something was missing.

Adding to that, I'm one day away from my periods and I also thought that the crying part was just from my mood swings which are a symptom of our period coming, because when I stood on the prayer mat all the tears went away.

Moreover, I had weird thoughts during the prayer like I wasn't praying right and had alot of skulls appearing in my thoughts (jinn like thoughts). Please share if there is a problem in this or am I just overthinking?