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Performing Nikaah after obtaining permission from the girl Conditions for the validity of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Beating the duff in the musjid Commentary, Hadith
Slaughtering an animal with one horn for qurbaani Qurbaani, Defects in the Qurbaani Animal, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Wazifa for protection Wazifas
Performing umrah a day after reaching Makkah Mukarramah Umrah, Hajj & Umrah
Feeling lust when being touched by one's mother Hurmat-e-Musaaharah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Explanation of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) going through difficulty when passing away Commentary, Hadith
Asking a security guard to help without the consent of the employers Hiring and Renting, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Passing remarks and hinting at people Good Character, Gheebat and Mocking, Miscellaneous
Selling branded items and trading in shares Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Niyyat for missed fasts Qadha and Kaffara, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Sales rep receiving commission Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Posting recipes from a recipe book on WhatsApp without the permission of the author Trade, Copyright, Franchising and Goodwill, Business and Dealings
Removing pride Tasawwuf
Reciting the Quraan for barkat Recitation and Listening to the Quraan, Qur'an
Kiya "main ne tumhen nahi rakhnaa" se talaaq hogi? Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Using perfume before going to the musjid Mustahab and Makrooh actions, Etiquettes of the Musjid, Musjid
Working in a non-Muslim hotel Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Being a vegan Food and Drink
Keeping the name Aaniyah Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Taking drugs Smoking and Intoxicants, Food and Drink
Paying zakaat for one's wife Various masaail of zakaat, Zakaat
Dyeing the hair Dye and Mehndi, Hair and Nails, Dress & Attire
Can istikharah show one's future husband's face in a dream Istikhaarah, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Mehndi patterns Dye and Mehndi, Hair and Nails, Dress & Attire
Couple sleeping in a room where there is a Quraan Qur'an
Credit card rewards Interest and Gambling, Bank benefits and Credit card reward programmes, Business and Dealings
Working in a mixed environment Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Feeding guests at a funeral Customary practices, Janaazah
Replying "Yes" if wife says "Are we divorced" Those situations where Talaaq takes place, Talaaq
Taking someone to court for refusing to move out of one's property Courts, Business and Dealings
Spiritual exercises Tasawwuf
Performing sajdah sahw after making a mistake in salaah Sajda-e-Sahw, Salaah
Performing salaah while wearing a bag Things which render the Salaah Makrooh, Salaah
Belief regarding the Ambiyaa Aqaaid
Eating in a non-Muslim restaurant Food and Drink
Paying for Extra Work Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Destroying non-Islamic books Aqaaid, Other Literature
Women pledging bay'at to a Shaikh Tasawwuf
Biwi shaadi se pehle zina kiya to showhar kya kare? Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Aulaad ko deen ke raaste par lana Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Spouses removing their clothing when getting intimate Masaail relating to intimacy, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Giving a bribe to get a job Various masaail of Business and Dealings, Business and Dealings
Women wearing turbans Clothing for Women, Dress & Attire
Concern for the upbringing of one's children Upbringing and Tarbiyah, Pregnancy and Parenting, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Woman communicating with non-mahram males for work reasons Women working, Business and Dealings
Wife not listening to the husband Marital Issues, Advice
Speaking lies to get citizenship Good Character, Deception and Lies, Miscellaneous
Divorcing one's wife to break a black magic spell Various masaail of talaaq, Talaaq
Hadith on most people in Jahannum will be women Authentication, Hadith