
Hanafi Imaam reciting qunoot in Fajr Salaah in a predominantly Shafiee masjid

Q: When the Shaafiee Imaam is not here, the musallis ask me to lead the Fajr Salaah. Since I'm a Hanafi, will it be appropriate for me to read qunoot with the niyyah of qunoot e naazila so as not to create confusion. It is a Shafiee masjid and many people are ignorant about these fiqhi ikhtilaafs.

I remember once a Hanafi Imaam led the Fajr Salaah and he did not read qunoot. After salaah there was a commotion and people started talking to one another that qunoot was not read. Please guide me what to do.

Paying fidya for one's deceased parents if they did not make a bequest


1. My parents passed away when I was a minor. My mother was shot when I was 2 years old and my father was shot when I was 6 years old. Does that make both of them shaheed?

2. I'm unaware of any qadha salaahs or fast if they had any. I was told that my father used to cover up qadha salaahs, I'm not sure if he completed it. What must I do on behalf of them? I would have estimated how many salaahs and fasts they had from the age of their puberty till demise and paid for every salaah and fast but I'm not a wealthy person. I dont know if I should give kafaarah on their behalf for any qadha salaah and fasts and how much I need to pay for them both as I am unaware of the amount of qadha salaahs or fasts for them both. What must I do?