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Seeking advice from many people Advice
Giving sadaqah to a non-Muslim Lillah and charity, Zakaat
Performing tahajjud before fajr salaah Times of Salaah, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Kaffarah for breaking an oath Oaths & Vows
Keeping dogs Animals & Pets, Miscellaneous
Marrying a Christian Those women with whom nikaah is not permissible, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Making a mistake in tashahhud and repeating an aayah of Surah Faatihah in salaah Sajda-e-Sahw, Salaah
Boys wearing necklaces Beautification, Jewellery and Rings, Dress & Attire
Ruling of eelaa before rukhsati Those situations where Talaaq takes place, Talaaq
Masbooq thana se shuroo kare ya Surah Faatihah se? Masbooq aur Laahiq, Namaaz, Jamaat Namaaz aur Imaamat, Urdu Questions
Preparing one's will according to Shariah Inheritance
Selling lingerie and bikinis Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Tahajjud choot jaane par kya kare? Nafil Namaaz, Tahajjud, Namaaz, Witr, Sunnat aur Nawaafil, Urdu Questions
Respectfully correcting one's elders Advice
Proof for faskh Faskh, Talaaq
Nikaah of a Muslim woman whose husband does not want to accept Islam Conditions for the validity of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Musharakah Islamic Finance, Business and Dealings
Engaging in phone sex with one's wife Masaail relating to intimacy, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Musjid me ayk aadmi ke liye bijli aur panke chalana Namaaz, Urdu Questions
Hadith regarding the Khawaarij Commentary, Hadith
Was it predestined for Aadam (alaihis salaam) to eat from the tree in Jannah? Ambiyaa, History
Government demolishing part of a musjid built on government property Building a Musjid on someone elses land, Musjid
Making the condition that one can break one's oath if one is unwell Oaths & Vows
Incident of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and an old lady Authentication, Hadith
Looking at animate pictures Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Biwi aur ghar wale se baat cheet band karna Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Will one be absolved of qadha salaah after performing hajj? Various Masaail on Qadha Salaah, Qadha Salaah, Salaah
What should be recited while burning lobaan? Zikr & Dua
Method for strengthening one's imaan Advice
Having less than 7 shares in a cow for qurbaani Qurbaani, Shares in a Qurbaani Animal, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Cutting nails and hair in the state of haidh Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Purchasing another qurbaani animal if one's qurbaani animal died before the days of qurbaani Factors that make Qurbaani waajib, Qurbaani, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Apne aap ko kaafir kehna Aqeeda, Urdu Questions
Living with a senile father in law Advice
Is faskh based on a lie valid? Faskh, Talaaq
Saying aameen when listening to a dua on a CD Zikr & Dua
Maintaining family ties with a relative who is abusive Advice
Is there more reward in doing qurbaani locally or abroad? Qurbaani, Sunnats & Aadaab of Qurbaani, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Helping someone take out an interest bearing loan Loans, Loans & Debts, Business and Dealings
Kiya shaadi shudah aurat ka zina ke ba'd shohar ke liye haraam ho gayi? Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Sharing videos and photos on social media Social Media, Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Substitute for due-e-qunoot Qunoot, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Susar talaaq de sakta he? Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Marrying someone with children Advice
Renewing one's Imaan Aqaaid, Kufr
Voting Government, Business and Dealings
Tawassul se dua maangna Dua owr Zikr, Urdu Questions
Sunnat ghair muakkadah me attahiyyaat ke ba'd durood shareef parhna Sunnat-e-Muakkadah aur Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah, Namaaz, Witr, Sunnat aur Nawaafil, Urdu Questions
Abortion Abortion, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Hadith regarding the times of salaah Authentication, Hadith