Breeding and selling cats
Q: Is one allowed to breed and sell cats?
Q: Is one allowed to breed and sell cats?
Q: I own a business that sells camping gear. Is it permissible for me to sell my products via The Amazon company will handle the shipping and everything else.
1. Can I design products with logos of other brands and sell them online? Is that income halal for me? Especially if those brands are based in countries which are causing harm to Muslims and Islam?
2. Do I have to tell the buyers of these products that they are replicas, even if they are from a country which is harming Muslims and Islam?
1. A conventional banking company runs a competition where a car can be won. Entry to the competition is free and open to customers and non-customers of the bank. The banking company itself will be the entity awarding the prize, not the car company, nor any other entity associated. Is entering such a competition permissible?
2. Similarly, a bank is offering branded pencils, pens, rulers, key rings, notebooks, etc. as gifts to customers and non-customers for marketing purposes. Will this be permissible to accept and use?
Q: Is it permissible for one to give his merchandise to a rep to sell for him on the condition that his commission will be any profit he makes over and above the selling price?
Q: Luqmaan owns a business. Over and above the fixed salary which he pays each worker every month, he also gives his workers a percentage-based commission for the sales they do. This commission is a bonus over and above their set salary which is given to them as an incentive for working harder. Is this permissible?
Q: A person gave his car to a car dealer to sell for him for R100 000. The agreement they made was that he will pay the car dealer 5% commission of the profit acquired through selling the car. Is this arrangement permissible?
Q: My neighbour wanted to buy a cooking pot for R100. I told her not to buy it as I will get one for her for just R70. She agreed because she was saving R30 on the same pot. However, my intention was that I will buy the pot for just R55 and tell her that it cost R70. In this way, I will make R15 without telling her. Is this permissible?
Q: I sell branded sneakers, bags, wallets, etc. I recently found out that Nike is haraam to wear. I did research on Versace as well and I found that it is also named after a Greek God. How do I determine which branded items are fine to sell and which are haraam?
Q: Generally, in certain property or livestock investments, they have a reserve which they keep for expenses and unexpected circumstances. In other words, they don’t distribute this money to the shareholders as dividends. Is this permissible?