Is it a prerequisite for a mufti to pass away before another person can get the title of mufti?
Q: In order to become a mufti or aalim, must one aalim or mufti teacher must die in order to pass the title for one to become one and give a fatwa?
Q: In order to become a mufti or aalim, must one aalim or mufti teacher must die in order to pass the title for one to become one and give a fatwa?
Q: Can we use the word hallelujah?
Q: An Islamic preacher said that if a worldly wife is compared to a hoor then it is as if she is the light of a candle compared to the light of the sun. What does this mean? Are hoors more beautiful and superior to human wives? Or are human wives superior and beautiful than hoors?
Q: I heard somewhere that all schools of thought are permissible to follow in Islam as long as you only follow one. For example, if I choose to follow Hanafi, I have to follow all of their rulings regardless of what the other schools of thought say. I just wanted to confirm if this is true.
Also, if Hanafis permit something that other schools of thought prohibit, would it be okay for me to ignore the others, or should I avoid it as a precaution?
Q: Can you please clarify this view mentioned in (Manasik of Mulla Ali al-Qari, p. 531-532)
"The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) is the best and most beloved of all creation, thus even the place where his body rests was given this status that it became the most virtuous of places, even greater than the Arsh."
Is this the view of the Deobandi Ulama and those of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah? I am very confused. How can the grave of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) be greater than the Arsh of Allah ?
Q: Please describe what is Shirk?
Q: I just heard that this year 3 super moons appeared and "The third Supermoon of the year is evidence of the biblical end times approaching because it coincides with the Spring Equinox and the Jewish holiday of Purim, a Christian evangelist has claimed."
Is this true? And are end times signs in the bible the true signs or not? Or the signs given in the Holy Quran will only mark signs of end times? Are the bible signs of end times going to happen or is it just fake? Kindly guide because I'm confuse and many people nowadays are saying that Dajjaal is near. What are the signs of Dajjaal coming or Mahdi coming? Is there going to be a war or what?
Q: Our society name starts with OM which is a Hindu word for beginning any work. Will it be shirk if I have to write a check with that name?
Q: What are the causes of someone proclaiming that all the Prophets except the Last Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) were "sinners"? What should one do in instances such as these when someone superior to you in a professional setting says such things?
1. I read online that if one plays holi (hindu festival) then they are out of the fold of Islam. Is this true?
2. What if one is walking, not intending to play holi, just going out for work or leisure and colour is thrown on them. Are they out of the fold of Islam?
3. I also read that if one prefers holi or thinks it's fun, etc., then it takes one out of the fold of Islam and their nikah will be nullified, is this true?
4. Does just merely thinking this take the person out of Islam and is their nikah nullified?
5. Does just thinking holi is fun or wanting to play it but actually don't play it as they know it is a kuffar thing, are they out of the fold of Islam and is their nikah nullified?
The person would never actually play holi as they know it is against Islam. They just want to know if they just think it's fun, etc. what affect would it have.