
Following one of the four Imaams of Fiqh

Q: Can you please present to me the proofs from the Qur’aan and Hadith that command us to follow one of the four Imaams of Fiqh?

I believe that we are all followers of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Hence Allah Ta’ala obligated us to follow our beloved Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has said in his Mubaarak Hadith: “I leave behind two things; the Qur’aan and my Sunnah. As long as you hold firmly to these two; you will never go astray.”

From this Hadith, we understand that in solving our Deeni matters, we should directly refer to the Qur’aan and Hadith. Just as Ulama of the past made ijtihaad, why can't people who have knowledge of Arabic and have studied deen also make ijtihaad today and find solutions in modern day problems through referring directly to the Qur'aan and Hadith?

I do understand that if one is non-conversant in the Arabic language and thus unable to extract Shar‘i laws from the Qur’aan and Hadith, then he should refer to an Aalim of Deen. Why do people insist that every person should follow one of the four mazhabs of Fiqh?

Making multiple intentions for good actions

Q: I understand that it is shirk to intend to do worship for the sake of Allah as well as someone else (that the intention should only be for Allah). Is it shirk to have both the intention to achieve something as well as to please Allah when you're doing tasks that normally are not worship?

Say for example, you are cooking, both to feed your family but also because you hope Allah will be pleased with you and reward you for feeding your family. Or, giving your mother a foot massage both to please your mother and to please Allah. Is this shirk? If not, how does it differ?

Who were the Ashaairah?

Q: Someone says that the Ashaaira were never found in the time of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and also in the time of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum). He says that they are only recent and its not good to follow them. What is a good answer to to give him?

This is what he is saying: Among the ulama in the time of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), there were no Ashaaira. Most Muslims know that Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is of the highest level in all aspects. He says that the ulama believe that Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is of the highest in all aspects of Islam. Who knows about Allah more? Till the big ulama like the 4 imams, there was no one who was part of the Ashaaira. Why were they are not Asharis? This Ashari thought is a bidah. No Sahaabah or Tabieen had even an iota of belief as an Ashari.