

Q: Can you prove solipsism wrong? Solipsism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. I mean, you don't know whether others have feelings just like you or not, but you will just see that they are crying but can never be sure of the fact they actually have feelings.

Doubting the help of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Sometimes we are told to have patience and expect the help of Allah Ta'ala in times of difficulty. Examples are given of Ebrahim (alaihis salaam) as he was flung over the fire, or the help of Allah Ta'ala to Nuh (alaihis salaam) through the ark, etc. But there are also many cases where prophets themselves were killed, or good believers were killed, and so they were not saved by Allah Ta'ala.

How should we reconcile this, that we may sometimes encourage a person that Allah Ta'ala's help will come as long as you have yaqeen, yet there are many cases where prophets or believers with perfect yaqeen still were made shaheed. 

Restoring one's Imaan

Q: All my life I had been a Muslim but recently I began to watch videos on athiesm. At first I didn't believe them but now they have destroyed my iman. I begin to think why would Allah need to create humans and why does Allah not just show Himself? If humanity was created to perfection, why is there so much pain in the world and lastly why is there no clear proof. Please I want to restore my faith I feel so lost.