
Theory of evolution

Q: What is the status of someone, who in an attempt to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Islamic narrative of human origins, states that homo sapiens (modern humans) descended from other hominid species (all the while believing that all of this happened by Allah's Will and Power). Thereafter, these homo sapiens went extinct (died off) and Allah created Adam (Alayhis Salaam) - a special, direct, and miraculous creation - and we are all descendants of Adam (Alayhis Salaam). Is this belief kufr? Is this person a kafir (disbeliever)?

Desire to marry someone in Jannat

Q: My question is about nikah in paradise. If we like someone and did not get married due to his/her death but still like him/her from the bottom of our heart and want to marry him/her and pray to Allah to meet in jannat, is it permissible to pray like this and will Allah give us the right to choose him/her as a spouse in jannat?

Getting the reward of an action if one made waseelah through that action

Q: There is hadith in 'Fazail A'mal' about three persons who got trapped in a cave. In order to escape from that they gave wasila to Allah Ta'ala of one of their good deeds each. Then Allah Ta'ala made way for them to escape.

I want to ask: If a person is in some sort of trouble and if he asks Allah Ta'ala in the above mentioned manner, then the good deed which he gave wasila of, will the "ajar" (reward) of that deed get finished or will he get that deed's "ajar" (reward) in the afterlife also? 

Shaking one's legs when sitting

Q: My question is that whether it is haram or anything difficulties weather telling in Islam shaking your legs while sitting on bed or any anywhere like on chair Suraj about the reality behind this is it true or not some people says keep shaking legs while sitting on bed is the act of illness or will come illness in your home at your home please suggest or give me justify answer in the light of Islam or an hadees thank you so much.