A misconception regrading the Ulama of Deoband
Q: I have read that Salafies claim that Deobandis do not consider the whole Quran Sharif as the speech of Allah. Is it true?
Q: I have read that Salafies claim that Deobandis do not consider the whole Quran Sharif as the speech of Allah. Is it true?
Q: Is the roudah of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) more venerable than the thorne of Allah?
Q: Please issue a ruling on the following:
(1) A lady distributing expensive chocolates to friends, members of her household, and extended family on the Day of Aashura.
(2) A lady wishing people 'Happy Muharram.'
(3) A lady wishing people 'Happy Aashura.'
Q: I was wondering about Jannah, if it is said to be beyond human imagination, why have things been described in it such as rivers of wine, honey, milk, fair skin, food and drink, etc.
Q: Last night my husband came to bed late, so I thought i'll spend some time with him. I asked him and he said no his "tired and his not going to take a bath and shit" or his "not going to take a ghusal and shit" due to it being late. Does such a comment affect his Imaan and our nikaah?
Q: With regards to Islamic literature, for example letters and leaflets that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala and the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), how are they to be disposed of? Is it correct to wipe away/erase those names and then dispose of the letters in the bin, or must they be burned?
Q: I have heard that applying mehndi (hena) before eid (on the night of eid) is sunnah and will you get reward for applying it on hands and feet. Is this true according to Islam? If someone don't apply for eid or before eid, are they committing a sin? Will they get punished for it?
Q: Some people say that it is recomended to apply surma on the day of Aashura. Is this proven through the Sunnah?
Q: Would it be permissible to say that while Aadam was created and did not evolve from a non-human ancestor, he was placed in perfectly to give the appearance of human evolution?
1. Is acquiring knowledge of the worldly sciences دنيوي علوم for example faradhul kifayah according to the Hanafi Madhab?
2. If so then a فرض is thabit by a dalil in which there is no شبهة i.e فطعي دليل . What is the qati dalil for this?
3. A منكر of a a fardh is classed as kafir. Will a person who rejects it be classed as kafir?
4. Will it be necessary to have belief of it being fardh? ( fardh's ruling is الزوم علما و تصديقا بالقلب)