
Acquiring knowledge of worldly sciences


1. Is acquiring knowledge of the worldly sciences دنيوي علوم for example faradhul kifayah according to the Hanafi Madhab?

2. If so then a فرض is thabit by a dalil in which there is no شبهة i.e فطعي دليل . What is the qati dalil for this?

3. A منكر of a a fardh is classed as kafir. Will a person who rejects it be classed as kafir?

4. Will it be necessary to have belief of it being fardh? ( fardh's ruling is الزوم علما و تصديقا بالقلب)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Q: I need a clarification about the commentary of Holy Quran I downloaded online. The commentary was trying to describe the importance of Surat Al-fatiha and it made mention of one Ahmadiyyah Movement in the name of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad saying he claimed to have fulfilled the prophecy relating to the second advent of Jesus by holding in his hands the little chapter, Al-Fatiha relating it to revelation in the New Testament prophecy precisely Rev. 10:1-2. I just want to confirm the authenticity of this commentary before I continue reading. I am very cautious of Islamic materials I read. I just to you, sheik to confirm or explain more about the commentary relating it to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Complexion of the people of Jannah

Q: Certain descriptions in terms of beauty say that the people of paradise will be white coloured/fair in complexion along with hairless, beardless, and thirty three years old. Also, the hoors are described as being white complexion as well, like pearls. First, I am not saying it is racist because that would be moronic as anyone can go to heaven, but with this, I just kind of wonder, why does a universal deity follow one beauty standard as I heard white complexion was the favoured complexion among the Arabs.


Q: Recently when I got married I seen my in-laws family have a lot of salaamies. They read something and put rose water on everyone. It is something I grew up learning that it is wrong. Can you please give me the correct masala regarding salaamies like if it is wrong and why is it wrong?

Speaking ill of the Ulama

Q: I would like to know is it kufar if one talks bad about the Ulama? The molanas in this town are having a braai at my husbands place so he made a comment like "the molanas are going to finish me up on Saturday because they don't bring anything and come and I must bring everything." I don't know if he said that or if he said "the molanas are pains they going to finish me up on Saturday because they don't bring anything and come and I must bring everything." I don't know if he used the word "pains" or not or if it is waswasaa from my part. Im 100% sure of the rest of the statement besides the word "pains". I told him not to say such things. But I do know that talking bad about the ulama can be detrimental to one's Deen.

Baseless belief

Q: I just wanted to ask on behalf of a relative if a woman becomes a widow and her husband leaves behind money, land and property, is she not allowed in Islam to spend anything, money/inheritance for a year after the husbands death? Is this a true in our religion or mentioned in a Hadith anywhere? What is the truth about this question.


Q: Is Yasir Qadhi's view of evolution valid according to scholars:

Here is a summary of what he said: Qadhi, on the other hand, accepted all of evolution except where it applies to humans. However, he conceded that the "maximum we can go" from an Islamic theological perspective is to say that God inserted Adam in the natural order. To explain his position, he used the example of dominos. He asserted that Adam was the last domino placed directly by God. From his perspective, believers would see this last domino as a miracle of God, whereas non-believers would see a causal connection from all the other dominos. This way, the miracle of Adam is preserved theologically. I read that close analysis of the quran shows that is this view is not compatible, what are thoughts on this?