Ajmer tabarruq
Q: Is it haraam to eat Ajmer tabarruq?
Q: Is it haraam to eat Ajmer tabarruq?
Q: Is it permissible to eat meat or chicken or any type of delicious food on the 10th of Muhrram?
Q: Is there a verse in the holy Qur'aan that prohibits us from celebrating birthdays in Islam?
Q: We have the duty to fulfil to the creator and creation. My doubt is we really have the ability to fulfil both things? If we have the ability then why we need to make dua?
Q: I have heard people say that it is important to gain knowledge in Islam. Is it true? Which knowledge does it refer to, secular or religious? Why?
Q: I would like to know the authenticity of the book "Men around The Messenger" by Khalid Muhammed Khalid.
Q: Are 'gadats' which are commonly performed in (cape town , south africa) part of our Islamic religion and is it mentioned in the Quran. Is it a good thing? A Sunnah? Will one benefit from taking part in these 'gadats'? We also refer to these 'gadats' as 'thikrs'. Is gadats and thikr the same thing? What is the difference? What about the 3,7,40,100day (gadat) ceremonies for the deceased?
Q: My sister's marriage is not getting fixed. Can you please tell me about her future. What problem is around our family. Every proposals comes and tells that they like her but after it gets dropped.
Q: What is the difference between a Nabi and a Rasool?
Q: Is Allah Ta'ala everywhere? Like Sufis says Allah can be in our heart.