
Missing salaah due to shopping

Q: I offer salaah regularly Alhamdulilah but I had a few questions in this regard:

1. Although I don't do hijab but whenever its salaah time I feel restless to pray. I am married and prefer to go out only after magrib so that I don't miss salaah but my husband says it's ok if you miss a salaah for which you can offer qadha later as my urge to pray sometimes causes hurdles in schedule of shopping or doing grocery shopping. Please advise on this.

2. I work in a school and offer Zuhr Salaah during working hours. Is it okay if I do the fardh of wudhu only and offer 4 fardh of zuhr only. Kindly advise on this.

Muqtadi making salaam immediately after the imaam makes salaam

Q: Should a muqtadi make salaam after the Imaam has completed both sides salaam or should he make salaam afer the Imaam turns his head towards the right and then after the Imaam turns his head to left the we follow the Imaam, as we normally do?

Some people in Saudia told me that I should wait until the Imaam is done with salam on both sides then make salaam. Which method is correct?