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Woman having no mahram to travel with Travelling without a Mahram, Safar, Salaah
Liquid coming out of one's private part after taking fardh ghusal Factors that break ghusal, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Meeraath Waraasat, Urdu Questions
Should a wife listen to her husband or parents? Marital Issues, Advice
Clothing for babies Clothing for Children, Dress & Attire
Adjusting the amount in an invoice Various masaail of Business and Dealings, Business and Dealings
Breastfeeding in front of one's mahrams Marital Issues, Advice
Was the world created for Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)? Allah Ta'ala, Aqaaid
Fear of wearing niqaab Hijaab & Purdah, Women's Issues
Biwi talaaq de sakti? Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Showhar azal karne se mana karna Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Divorced larki se shaadi karna Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Is laziness a sin in Islam? General, Miscellaneous
Accepting a gift from a na-mahram Gifts, Business and Dealings
Brother seeing one naked General, Miscellaneous
Iddat ke ba'd, biwi ghar nahi jaa rahi he Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Wearing colourful scarfs Clothing for Women, Dress & Attire
Husband not happy with wife driving and leaving the house Marital Issues, Advice
Lafz talaakh se talaaq hogi? Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Aqeeqah Aqeeqah, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Cure for hypocrisy Advice
Difference between the eyebrows of a male and female Removing Facial and Body Hair, Hair and Nails, Dress & Attire
Superstitious beliefs Aqaaid, Superstitions
Ayse Shaadi me shareek hona jo shari'at ke khilaaf ho Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Father cursing his son Good Character, Gheebat and Mocking, Miscellaneous
What should one do with an Easter egg that was given as a gift? Food and Drink
Deleting a recording of an incorrect statement one made Aqaaid, Kufr
Allah ke shaan me gustakhi karna Aqeeda, Urdu Questions
Marrying for money Conditions for the validity of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Rukhsati se pehle talaaq Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Taking someone to purchase drugs Aiding in Sin, Miscellaneous
Reward programmes from financial institutions Interest and Gambling, Bank benefits and Credit card reward programmes, Business and Dealings
Making masah on ankle length boots Masah on the Khuff, Tahaarat
Marrying a divorced woman Those women with whom nikaah is permissible, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Meeraath Waraasat, Urdu Questions
Hating the kuffaar for the sake of Islam Dealing with non-Muslims, Miscellaneous
Homosexual feelings Conditions for the validity of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Prize bond Interest and Gambling, Interest money, Business and Dealings
Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) ki ta'daad Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Saamaan qistwaar me lena Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Ghalat aqeedah Aqeeda, Urdu Questions
Rejecting a proposal due to the boy living far away Masaail pertaining to the Wali and Compatibility between spouses, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Difference in salaah of men and women Women's Salaah, Salaah
Taqleed Aqaaid, Taqleed
Haamilah aurat ki iddat Iddat, Khawateen ke Masaail, Urdu Questions
Wali for a Muslim who has no Muslim family members Masaail pertaining to the Wali and Compatibility between spouses, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Can a Muslim woman have two husbands? Various masaail of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Guidelines on how to perfect one's salaah Various masaail of Salaah, Salaah
Keeping the name Hafsah Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Should a person working on a ship perform Jumuah Salaah or Zuhr Salaah? Conditions for Jumuah Salaah, Jumuah