
Meaning of breaking family ties

Q: I would like to know what does it mean to maintain and break family ties. Does it mean visiting the person? I don't visit them and we don't speak very often but when we do we greet and speak. They have hurt my feelings many times, I don't hold any grudge against them but I don't want to confide and spend too much time with them, does this mean I am breaking ties with them?

Not sharing one's items with roommates

Q: I live in a shared apartment with 5 other men. Is it okay to not share my things with my roommates if they don't care for their own things in use.

For example, they don't wash their blankets and use mine as I try to keep my blanket clean and washed. Should I compromise my health and cleanliness or first take care of my basic needs and then share if I can. Please tell me as I don't want to be greedy in Allah's sight.

Husband preventing wife from talking to her siblings

Q: I'm engaged and soon going to get married to the man I'm engaged with. He does not like my siblings because they have caused me harm in the past and are causing me harm in the present too. If I don't talk to my siblings at all for the sake of my husband, will that be counted as qat-e-ta'alluq? Kindly guide me as I'm in a very serious situation where I have to choose.