
Giving kaffaarah for missed salaahs

Q: I would like to know if there is a way I could pay for the missed salahs in my case.

After giving birth my menses cycle did not go normal and was bleeding continuously due to feeding. An Aalimah told me I needed to refer back to my habit previous of pregnancy which was 23 days of tuhr and 5 days of haidh. In this way while doing the calculations almost 2 years later I have discovered I have missed about 400 salah.

With 2 children it may become difficult to perform qadha. Is there a way I could pay for this miscalculation or does Qadha have to be performed?

Disciplining oneself to perform salaah

Q: I don't pray salah because I find it very difficult. I can't manage time nor do I have good health. I also have to do wudu every time I pray and change clothes. Praying salah involves so much, I struggle with it very much. I'm amazed how some people can pray salah 5 times per day without struggle or any problems. Please give me some advise how to manage time, how to discipline myself to pray salah and how to make prayer most important thing in my life.