
Imaam moving forward when a second person joins the jamaat

Q: I was leading salaah with one muqtadi, who was standing 1 foot behind me, when a second muqtadi joined the prayer. However, the muqtadis did not move back 1 saff, so I dragged my feet and moved 1 saff forward. However, I dragged my feet 4 times to reach my place.

1. Is the salaah valid?

2. Is it necessary for the imaam to move forward if the muqtadis don't move back?

3. Is it necessary for the muqtadis to move behind?

Performing salaah while having the urge to relieve oneself


1. Could you please tell me what to do when I come across a situation where I have to relieve myself (in the bathroom) at that time of salaah (especially fajr and magrib). Should I control myself and make wudhu and go to the masjid for salah or should I go to the bathroom and then go to the masjid and read salah without jamat?

2. What are the situations in which delaying salah is permissible, because when it comes to salah and I have a situation like that, then I get tensed and get a headache and my heart starts beating fast. 

Making up for salaahs missed while one was an apostate


1. As a youth, someone made an oath to not do something and they did it, they then fasted 3 days to expiate the oath (as they were unable to do anything else). Later that person apostatised from Islam but came back to the Deen. Do they have to redo the expiation for the oath broken? No oath was made since that time. 

2. Also, in terms of salah missed, are salahs missed over years must be made up by someone who Apostatised but later came back to the Deen?