
Drug addict leading taraweeh salaah

Q: I want to know something about drugs. I will be leading taraweeh for the first time this year. Unfortunately, I am in the grasp of drugs. Is it true that if I take them within 40 days of Ramadhaan, the taraweeh I lead will not count?

Also, does this apply to drugs other than marijuana, like molly, cocaine, and lsd?

Please take into account that I am trying to stop, but slowly as the withdrawal effect is immensely strong.

Reciting behind the Imaam

Q: When praying behind the imam in Zuhr and Asr prayer, should we recite Surah Fatiha and a Surah in the first 2 rakaats and only Surah Fatiha in the last rakaat.

In Fajr, Maghrib and Esha, I know we should keep quiet and listen but in the last 2 rakaats when the imam is silent, should we recite Surah Fatiha only?

Missing salaah due to college

Q: My parents are forcing me to miss Salah for Education. Is it correct! I am admitted to a college where I am not allowed to pray salah. I am missing Asr and Maghrib Salah every day. On complaining this to my parents they are not listening to me and forcing me to go to the same college. I am not allowed to pray at my college or go out of the college. Every day I am praying Asr and Maghrib Salah at night after Isha Salah as Qaza Salah.

Is it correct that I miss Salah for Education? Should I obey my parents? They are blackmailing me emotionally. Should I change my college?

Musaafir unsure whether he will stay for more than 14 days in one place

Q: If am not sure whether till 7th Zil Haj, it will be 14 or 15 days in Makkah before we leave for Mina. Can we do any of the below:

1. Can we pray qasr salah in Makkah, Mina, etc. by making an intention of 14 days only, even if it increases to a day (making it to 15) depending on the moon sighting?

2. We pray full salah making intention of 15 days, but Zul Qadah month stops on 29th making it to only 14 days depending on moon sighting?

Which is a good method to follow here?

Musaafir unsure if he will stay for more than 14 days in one place

Q: I have performed Hajj last year with my family and I have few questions. I forgot to check with any mufti before leaving but as per my calculation we stayed in Makkah before leaving for Mina (5th aug 00:00 to 19th aug 03:00) and I thought it was 14 days. As per my calculation we prayed Qasr salah.

Later I got confused and thought whether we should have prayed full as it could have been 15 days. Also, it depended on the moon sighting. After Hajj, I clarified with some mufti and he said it was okay and don't put your mind in stray thoughts.

I am confused since then and also repented to Allah to forgive if I did wrong. I am worried that I took my family and didn't guide them properly. Is Hajj affected with this or what we did was correct?