
New Muslim publicly professing his Imaan


1. Is it necessary for a new Muslim to publicly profess their Imaan?

2. Under what circumstances will it be permissible to hide one's own Imaan?

3. If a person dies hiding their Imaan, how will the Muslim public ascertain that this person was a Muslim? For example, if a person continued to live with their non-Muslim partner; did not dress as a Muslim; did not make a request for a Muslim funeral and did not change their name, would this be sufficient evidence to not classify them as Muslim?

Rejecting the Hadith

Q: I am working in Birmingham city university and some of my Muslim colleagues due to spending most of his time around non believers are a bit away from deen. He has this objection against hadith that we should just follow the Quran as its authentic and not Hadith. I do try explain him that without hadith one cannot understand Islam. Can you please help with it as you can provide me some verses from Quran so that I can relate it to him and any other means to make him understand.

Muslims participating in memorial services

Q: In order to appease the kuffar, Muslims are today participating in memorial services, joint prayers with non-Muslims, vigils etc to remember the those (predominantly non-Muslim) that died in unjustified terrorist attacks. I am not a scholar but I even see scholars condoning participation in such events by participating themselves. Am I correct in understanding that participating in such prayers, vigils and services is haraam because we are not permitted to pray for a dead kafir and also imitation of kuffar methodology in expression of grief is not permissible. I also find it discomforting that at these events there is free mixing and acknowledgement by virtue of participation that all religions are equal. Would you please provide proof in light of Qur'an and Hadith whether participation in joint vigils, memorial services and prayers is permissible as family and friends do not just accept a simple answer of no without evidence of why?