When will animals die before the Day of Judgement?
Q: Will all animals die either before the Day of Judgement or when the first blowing of the trumpet occurs?
Q: Will all animals die either before the Day of Judgement or when the first blowing of the trumpet occurs?
Q: Is it true that praying four rakat of nafil on the first of Zil Hijjah give the reward of 25 years praying?
Q: While playing video games, if the character we are playing utters or does something blasphemous, do we lose our imaan.
1. Does blasphemous talk involve Christians cursing too?
2. What is the definition of blasphemy?
3. What if while playing a game, I accidentally chose a character whose dialogue is known to have blasphemy in it. But, during the entire duration of the play, that character did not say any such thing. However, since I know that the character says such things in other instances of the game (even though those instances did not come when I was playing), I am now worried about my imaan.
Would my imaan be in danger because of this and will I have to redo my nikah?
Q: Is there anything special regarding the night of 25th of Zul Qa'dah. Someone was saying it a special night of mercy.
Q: A married girl makes sajdah in front of her husband and she said that you are every thing of mine, you are bigger then Allah for me.
1. If I do a sin, such as watching tv, listen to music, disrespect parents, etc. in a room/place where there is a Quran, names of Allah, a picture of a Quran aayat, or any other Islamic thing, is it kufr?
2. Is it kufr to do a sin while athan is happening?
Q: I have a question regarding a tradition called "dood pilai" in Asian households.
During weddings, there is a tradition in which the brides sisters take money from the groom and in return give him a glass of milk. It's usually pre planned with the groom so he comes prepared. This event involves free mixing during the wedding and also pardah is not observed properly.
My question is, is the money which the bride's sisters took from the groom haram in these circumstances? Is it haram to use or keep it as a gift?
Does not observing modesty during this event make the money haram to keep or spend? If the groom earned it through halal means but it was transferred to me through free mixing, does it make the money haram to spend?
Q: Once, a hadeeth kitaab was sent to the copy shop. The workers there were not handling the kitaab with care for which some students teased the one who owned the kitaab. Is this tantamount to kufr? I believe that they were laughing at the way the workers were handling the kitaab and not looking down on the kitaab itself.
Q: For over five years, I have been struggling with a strong desire to write books. However, these books revolve around fantasies and stories that may be morally objectionable, yet entertaining for others. It is also possible to earn money from such books. On the other hand, whenever I attempt to write books about Islam and promoting good behavior, I find myself getting bored and unable to proceed.
I am seeking reassurance that writing fantasy books of this nature is forbidden, as it would help me find peace. Additionally, I hope you can provide me with relevant Quranic verses that describe my predicament.
Q: I was sweeping the shop and I was sweeping the dirt out of the shop and someone told me that I mustn’t do that, rather sweep all the dirt in the shop to one place and take it out because when I’m sweeping out of the shop it takes the barakah away. I wanted to know if this superstitious or what because I never heard it before and I know superstitions are haraam.