
Calling Yaqub (alaihis salaam) Israeel

Q: I need a reference from the Ahaadeeth where people say Hazrat Yaqub (alaihis salaam) was Israeel, while Quraan mentioned his name, Yaqub 16 times, and also his progeny (2:132-133, 2:136, 2:140, 3:84, 4:163 etc.)

The reason for asking this question is that I got reference from the Book of Genesis, Chapter 32: 22-32, where Hazrat Yaqub (alaihis salaam) fought with Allah Ta'ala and overpowered Him. Then Allah Ta'ala blessed him. God said to him, "Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israeel."

Enjoying the pleasures of Jannah forever

Q: If Jannah has everything that we all desire, then we as humans may fulfil our desires and still not be satisfied. For example, having a sports car in this world will be nice but that excitement wears off. If Jannah has everything we desire, and we obtain it in Jannah, then what would be the excitement or greatness of such a place?

In other words, the good is only appreciated if there is also something bad or disappointing to compare it to. If there is only good, then what would we compare it to?