
Non-Muslims choosing not to accept Islam

Q: Idol worshippers believe just as strong as a Muslim believes and also has prayers answered just as Muslims prayers get answered.

Hope you can help with this question as Allah can easily put and end to idol worship yet he keeps sending souls that get programmed into the faith they are born into and by clear observation the majority stay in that faith as they have strong reasons to do so. If a Hindu came to a Muslim and tells him to become Hindu and worship multiple Gods then the Muslim won't do that and vice versa. And just because the Quran says so is not good enough since anyone can put a book and say worship so and so but most will ignore that person and believe what they have been brought up with.

I'm sure you know what I'm saying and would be grateful if you can explain, but please don't explain with verses from the Quran, I want you to explain independently. 

Calling Shias kaafirs

Q: I belong to a community who believes that majority of Shia are kaafir and want me to call them kaafir too. When I say that I leave this to Allah to decide as I am no one to judge then they call my aqeedah distorted and some even go further by saying that I am an Athiest.

Is it mandatory to call others kaafirs or what does Islam say for people who don’t want to give their verdict?

Changing one's mazhab


1. Is it permissible to change and switch between mazhabs more then once? For example, for one to say he's a Hanafi but then decides to become a Shaafi and then become a Hanafi again.

2. Is it permissible for one to adopt a different mazhab because of need. For example, for a Shaafi to become a Hanafi while they are performing tawaaf so if any female has to touch them by mistake their wudhu won't break?

Fuqahaa explaining the parameters of Deen

Q: In Bahishti Zewar, there are many masaail that speak about a husband who can have sexual intercourse with a minor. There was 1 certain masa'ala that (if a husband has sexual intercourse with a minor where there is a fear of her vaginal tissues coming together then ghusl is not fard upon her pg. 74 quoted briefly).

Mas'ala was quite graphic and gave me a headache just by thinking about it. My question is, won't that be considered as paedophilia. Does Islam really allow having intercourse with minors. If not then why are these masaail mentioned in Fiqhi books. Your detailed explanation will highly be appreciated.