How to respond to someone who reviles the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum)
Q: How can I respond to someone who reviles the Sahaabah? What is their status and position in the conveying of deen?
Q: How can I respond to someone who reviles the Sahaabah? What is their status and position in the conveying of deen?
Q: I believe in all of Allah’s names and attributes, I accept he is the one and only, none other deserves to be worshipped, if you do worship besides Allah such as a hindu God or do grave worship, you are not a Muslim, rather the contrary, first of all, I believe nothing is like Allah, he is incomparable, but my question is essentially, Allah knows everything we know, so does that mean there is a similarity?, Allah’s knowledge is unlimited and there are no mistakes, but ours is the opposite.
Also, another similar question, the Quran is Allah’s speech, his attribute, so is that incomparable as well, doesn’t that share similarity with other Arabic books, they may use the same words for instance, so a similarity, is it not?
I asked it on a forum last year, these same questions, a brother said, Allah knows what we know, but his knowledge is unlimited and is always right, ours is limited and we can make mistakes, so we share some things but overall, they are dissimilar, incomparable, he also said the same for my second question. Essentially, Allah’s words are incomparable overall, very dissimilar, but they share somethings with other books. He said something along the lines of that. I’m not sure what is right, hence why I’m asking this question.
Q: What is the condition for all ibaadat to be accepted?
Q: When person does some good acts, like charity, helping others and performing prayers, some happiness comes in his heart. Is it allowed to be happy or feel some pride after doing any good act?
Q: My question is related to astrology. I wanted to know if being aware or checking the compatiblilty of me and my partner is haraam or not? I know that believing in palmistry and fortune telling is a sin but my question is just that. Checking the traits of a certain zodiac man or checking someone's compatibility with you is haram or not? Is it kufr?
Q: A close friend of mine informed me that it is haraam to read Harry Potter books and watch the movies. I always watch them with family because they don’t contain any sexual remarks and such things. Are they indeed haraam?
Q: Can women meet Prophets and Sahaabah in jannah?
Q: What are the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah regarding the attributes of Allah Ta'ala? Are all the sifaat of Allah Ta'ala infinite?
Q: Is it correct to say that guidance is actually from Allah Ta'ala alone, and that when the Prophets gave us guidance, they themselves did not guide us, but it is Allah Ta'ala who guided us? Also, is it mentioned in the Quran that Allah Ta'ala told the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), "It is not you who guides them, it is Allah who guides"?
Q: Nabi Aadam (alaihis salaam) was in heaven and becuase he disobeyed Allah he was thrown out of heaven. Now my question is that the father did a mistake and Allah is punishing the children who had nothing to do with the father's mistake. According to me Allah should have kept each and everyone in heaven first and tell them not to repeat the mistake which Aadam (alaihis salaam) did. If someone does the mistake then he should be thrown out.