Was Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s mother a Muslim?
Q: Was Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s mother a Muslim? Please explain why or why not.
Q: Was Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s mother a Muslim? Please explain why or why not.
Q: What is illuminati?
Q: One of my Hindu friends asked how God decides if someone will be wealthy and others will be poor. Similarly, how will someone be born healthy and others disabled. etc. Is this decision randomly made by God or is there some logic behind it? I understand this life is a test but why do some people have relatively easy tests and others really hard tests?
Q: Does watching movies involving fiction (gods, magic, etc.) invlove shirk or kufr?
Q: I recently discovered that some of my past actions were kufr and I sent some messages containing shirk. I have sincerely repented and vowed never to do them again. I made a general taubah regarding all my past actions then recited kalimah.
1. I would like to ask if it is necessary to repent specifically for each action as all I have thought about since is remembering specific kalimat I said. Do I need to do tajdeed e iman again if I remember those past actions after making general taubah?
2. Also do I need to perform ghusl after tajdeed e iman?
3. Can tajdeed e iman be made whenn one is junub.
4. What about my prayers that I said while not realising my kufr?
Q: Please give us guidance on the following:
1. We hear that Salafi’s don’t follow any Mazhab. Does this mean they are on the wrong path?
2. Will it be permissible to perform Salaah behind a Salafi Imaam and will the Salaah be in order?
3. Are the Saudi Imaam’s Salafi’s?
4. Does being a Salafi affect your belief’s, Imaan, fasting, haj, etc.?
Your comments will be appreciated.
Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim to write a fiction book with non-Muslims characters? And as long as the book doesn't contain anything which disagrees with Islam, or is forbidden, will the money earned by publishing the book be halal?
1. According to the hadith, immitation of kuffar is haram. So if I eat a birthday chocolate someone gave me and went away, is it harasm? Because its a non-Muslim practice to celebrate birthdays.
E.g. If I got a chocolate on someone's birthday and I kept it and after 2 days I ate it, is it haraam because that chocolate was purchased for a haraam act which is celebrating a birthday which itself is immitation of kuffar?
2. Ruling regarding celebrating Nabi Muhammad's (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) birthday. Is it imitation of Christians, because they celebrate Christmas like Isa (alaihis salaam) birthday?
3. If a Quran is printed in an industry, like from softcopy to hardcopy, then is it man made or Allah made it? I mean if everything Allah created then what about the above case where hard copy of Quran was made by using a machine. Is it then machine made? Also if a man writes whole Qur'an, just as one photocopies, was the Quran made by a human because a human was the one who took ink and paper and wrote the Quran and compiled it or Allah made it?
Q: In Islam there are only two celebrations, namely Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha; anything other than these two celebrations is an innovated festival or occasion and it is not permissible to celebrate it or to help others to do so. Is this ruling correct? I got this from website.
Also is celebrating birthday not allowed due to this if so?
Q: What is the proper way to dispose of a miswak and pencil stubs, and pens without ink?