
Destroying non-Islamic books

Q: I am a non-Muslim who wants to return to Islam. There are many books that I have gotten as gifts when I was younger, bought for me by my parents, or stolen from schools that I attended. I suspect that many of these books may have content that may be forbidden in Islam (American fiction books, picture books of people and animals, and other suspect content), and I want to get rid of them. My family does not want me to get rid of them (they relocated most of them to my aunts house) and I think it would be difficult to get rid of them, how should I get rid of them?

Visiting a dargah

Q: Today I seen a new dargah which is made in my city named Gadhinglaj. One of the maulavi has burried some old Qu'ran Sharif inside the ground and made a Dargah there and celebrating URS Sharif. Is it valid to make such durgah? And is it valid to visit such Dargah?

Muslim students writing about evolution

Q: My sister is currently set to graduate at the end of this year, after which she will join the rest of my family in Turkey. However, this term she took a biology course that had multiple chapters regarding human evolution. She is now preparing for the exam for that course, and the chapters on human evolution happen to be a large part of the exam. If she doesn't answer the questions, she will most likely fail and if not, her average would become very low, and it may effect her graduation or her ability to move to Turkey at the end of the year. Can she write a general statement like 'so and so theorized this' without any indication of agreement and without stating anything as a fact? If not, is there any way for her to answer the questions (in written form) related to human evolution without falling into kufr?

Also, from what I know, medical schools even in Islamic Countries rely on biology books that include topics like human evolution, and the students are tested on the theories. How can Muslim students graduate as doctors without getting near kufr?

Is mocking people kufr?

Q: Suppose that I was explaining a question of maths to another person. He was weak in maths so he could not understand properly what I explained. Then I mocked at him that you couldn't understand this simple problem and others also laughed at him. Then, because I mocked at someone who was trying to learn something. Learning to score good marks and please his parents. Pleasing his parents to please Allah. So indirectly I mocked at him while he was trying to please Allah. Is this kufr indirectly? Mocking on a person who tried to please Allah.

Enjoying lawful things in Jannah

Q: In Islam we can't eat pork because it is unlawful... well in jannat are we going to be allowed to eat pork because everything that has been unlawful on earth will be made lawful in jannah right? For example, woman can't dress up in nude clothing in this world but in the hereafter they will be allowed right? So pork will be allowed too in jannah right?