Crossing the bridge of Siraat with ease
Q: What are the deeds and wazifas or duas by authentic hadeeth to ease our path on the Pul Sirat on the day of judgement?
Q: What are the deeds and wazifas or duas by authentic hadeeth to ease our path on the Pul Sirat on the day of judgement?
1. Is it a sin and a spiritual disease to talk to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) all the time verbally or in heart? Does it count as talking too much? And can one talk to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) about things that are not related to Deen, like when someone see a bird or an animal or something permissible to see, they say to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa), "What a beautiful bird You have made."
2. How casually can one speak to Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa)? I have had very little friends and I don't talk a lot with my parents nowadays. But, I speak casually to Allah (SubhaanHu Wa Ta'alaa) like He is a friend. I don't speak with disregard for His station, that is He is our Master. I also see Him like a child sees a parent, like a caretaker. Is it permissible to speak casually? I'll feel depressed if I can't.
Q: How do I discard a broken glass with a Quranic dua printed over it?
Q: Is it permissible to sell a children's blanket which will have some decorations, a name on it (e.g. Zain) and with it will be "Allahuma bismika Amooto wa Ahyaa"?
Q: Did all Prophets and Messengers (alaihimus salaam) without exception receive wahi?
Q: I have green eyes, and some people were saying that people with colorful eyes are not good and they have stone hearts and Allah Paak doesn't like people who have colorful eyes. Is this true?
Q: I’ve heard from many people that all our sins will be presented in front of everyone. Is this true? As Allah سبحانه وتعالى is known as السّتّار
Q: Please forgive me for asking this question. Time and again this question comes to my mind so I want to find solace in your answer.
Islam is a religion of peace the only way of life to obtain the satisfaction of Allah. Allah sent so many prophets for the same until our last prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). If Islam came to our lives to bring peace, why is that so many Sahaabahs who were devoted followers of Islam, died in a brutal way? Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) was killed by a Jew, Usman (radhiyallahu anhu) was killed by so called Muslims, Ali (radhiyallahu anhu), Hasan(radhiyallahu anhu), Hussain(radhiyallahu anhu) all so devoted Sahaabahs died brutally? And if surrendering oneself brings peace than in what form and how it comes? Islam is perfect so it should make our lives peaceful, but I see the anxiety of heaven and hell, the problems of the world remains and the death of so pious Muslims die in struggle?
What is the definition of the peace? Is it spiritual peace inside and not of the physical bodily peace? I keep asking these questions to myself. We are in the right path still why we struggle more than the others who worship animals and idols? What is it that brings peace and what is the exact peace Allah is promising us?
Q: What takes a person out of the Ahlus sunnah wal jama'ah?
Q: Is it Sunnah to eat dates soaked overnight in water, in the morning?