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When does the time of esha end? Times of Salaah, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Threatening to poison one's co-wife Marital Issues, Advice
Going to the funeral house on the 3rd day, 10th day 40th day Customary practices, Janaazah
How to respond to someone who reviles the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) Aqaaid
Status of the Ahaadith in Islam Usool (Principles), Hadith
Awlaad ko darbar pe denge ki mannat Qasam owr mannat, Urdu Questions
Making qurbaani without wudhu Laws pertaining to the Slaughterer, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Income of a person who cheated in the exams to get a certificate Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Namaaz parhte waqt reeh khaarij hone ka shubah Namaaz me shak owr shubuhaat, Namaaz, Sajda-e-Sahw, Urdu Questions
Informing family and relatives when one is going for umrah Umrah, Hajj & Umrah
Meaning of mannat Oaths & Vows
Title of Hazrat Hamzah (radhiyallahu anhu) Sahaabah, History
Shohar ka soteeli saas k sath nikah Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Boycotting certain products Boycotting, Government, Business and Dealings
Selling the possessions of a woman who is not in the correct state of mind Rights of parents, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Credit card istimaal karna Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Showing gratitude when in difficulty Advice
Non-Muslim practising Islam Advice
Playing video games Sports & Games, Miscellaneous
Masnoon duas to be read after fardh salaah Method of Salaah, Zikr and Dua After Salaah, Salaah
Qaadiyaani becoming a haafiz Aqaaid, Kufr
Will the Haafiz who does not practice on Islam be allowed to intercede? Commentary, Hadith
Napaak kapre phenkar bister par bethna Paaki owr Napaaki, Tahaarat, Urdu Questions
Walking in front of someone performing salaah at home Sutra, Salaah
Living close to one's parents to take care of them Rights of parents, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Duas to be recited in the morning Zikr & Dua
Fulfilling the rituals of hajj while in the state of haidh Those people upon whom Hajj is compulsory, Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah, Hajj & Umrah
Sunnats for the bride and groom on the first night of nikaah Sunnats of nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Sabbath in the Quraan Majeed Tafseer, Qur'an
Wazeefah me kisi aur ka naam lena Wazaaif, Urdu Questions
Being in the state of wudhu when writing Quraanic aayaat Etiquettes and respect for the Quraan, Wudhu, Qur'an
Sharamgaah ki badboo se kya ghusal waajib hota he? Ghusal, Tahaarat, Urdu Questions
Boy giving gifts to female friends Gifts, Business and Dealings
Waladuz zina waalidah ki taraf mansoob hai? Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Collecting funds for one's education Lillah and charity, Zakaat
Kin cheezo par zakaat di jati hai? Wujoob-e-zakaat, Zakaat ke masaail, Urdu Questions
Informing one's husband about father in laws illicit actions Marital Issues, Advice
Typing with the letter ه instead of هـ Tajweed & Qiraat, Qur'an
Sponsoring a student with zakaat money Recipients of Zakaat, Zakaat
Selling agharbatti and muti products Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Are difficulties in this world a test from Allah Ta'ala or punishment? Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Forwarding a video on conversion to Christianity Aqaaid, Social Media, Kufr, Miscellaneous
What is eid-e-ghadeer? Aqaaid, Bid'ah
Keeping a moustache around the lips Hair and Nails, Beards and Moustache, Dress & Attire
Extending an Islamic centre without the donor's permission Waqf
Giving blood money to one's sisters who were adopted Inheritance
Can non-Muslims who do good in this world go to Jannah? Aqaaid, Jannah
The attributes of Allah Ta'ala Allah Ta'ala, Aqaaid
Spotting towards the end of haidh Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Stretching one's legs towards elders Good Character, Etiquettes, Miscellaneous