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Investing in Index Fund Investments and shares, Business and Dealings
Kiya tableegh waale sunni he? Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Using black magic to stop black magic Black Magic (Jaadoo) and Jinn, Wazifas
Wife driving the husband Leaving the Home, Women's Issues
Wearing and displaying symbols of Hinduism Aqaaid, Kufr
Claiming from the UIF Fund UIF, Interest and Gambling, Business and Dealings
Maintenance and division of assets for wife after divorce Maintenance, Talaaq
Using money which was transferred into one's account by an unknown person Various masaail of Business and Dealings, Business and Dealings
Finding a stain and odor on clothing after washing Impurities on clothing and furniture, Impurities, Tahaarat
Reciting an aayah of sajdah in salaah without making sajdah Sajdah-e-Tilaawat, Qur'an
Females placing their elbows on the ground when making sajdah Women's Salaah, Salaah
Using soaps and shampoos with non-halaal ingredients Beautification, Beauty Products, Dress & Attire
Responsibility of taking care of old parents Rights of parents, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Wearing clothes soiled with alcohol and performing salaah Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Impurity on body, clothes or place of Salaah, Salaah
Person saying "I don't want to be a Muslim anymore" Aqaaid, Kufr
Father using child's money to go for hajj Those people upon whom Hajj is compulsory, Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah, Hajj & Umrah
Difference between inshaa Allah and bi iznillah Meaning of Islamic words, Miscellaneous
Status of tasbeeh in rukoo and sajdah Faraaidh, Sunnats and Waajibaat of Salaah, Method of Salaah, Salaah
Qardh dar par qurbaani Qurbaani, Urdu Questions
Shohar ka kehna "chor diya" se talaaq Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Using someone's belongings without their permission Rights of people, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Haidh ke khoon band hojane par mubaasharat karna Haiz, Istihaazah owr Nifaas, Khawateen ke Masaail, Urdu Questions
Performing maghrib salaah behind an imaam performing esha salaah Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Various masaail of Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah
Giving one's merchandise as zakaat Stock in trade, Zakaat
Making intention of two rakaats sunnah after Jumuah instead of four Intention, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Husband telling wife "Pack your bags and leave" Ambiguous words of Talaaq, Talaaq
Qurbaani animal getting injured or dying before the days of qurbaani Qurbaani, Defects in the Qurbaani Animal, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Intention when making tayammum Tayammum, Tahaarat
Making qadha of salaah missed while travelling Qadha of Salaah Missed while Travelling, Qadha Salaah, Salaah
Carrying out the damm in the Haram Jinaayaat, Hajj & Umrah
Marrying one's foster sister's daughter Foster relationship, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Saheeh aqeede waale ko qurbaani me shareek karna Qurbaani, Urdu Questions
The share of each partner in the sale of a property Partnerships, Business and Dealings
Resident of Jeddah wearing ihraam when going to Makkah Miqaat, Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah, Ihraam, Hajj & Umrah
Making tayammum on a wet stone Tayammum, Tahaarat
Punishment for evil intentions Taubah and Repentance, Miscellaneous
Forgetting to say assalaatu khairum menan nowm in the fajr azaan Laws of Azaan, Azaan and Iqaamah, Salaah
Purchasing land with zakaat money and giving it to worthy zakaat recipients Recipients of Zakaat, Zakaat
Smoking in Islam Smoking and Intoxicants, Food and Drink
Wearing Harry Potter shirts Clothing for Children, Dress & Attire
Who was Ja'far As-Saadiq (rahmatullahi alaihi)? Salafus Saaliheen (Pious Predecessors), History
Zakaat on loans Calculating zakaat, Zakaat
Selling fake designer glasses frames Trade, Copyright, Franchising and Goodwill, Business and Dealings
Women wearing denim fabric Clothing for Women, Dress & Attire
Wife having the right to see her children after divorce Custody of children, Talaaq
Keeping the name Hooram Fatima Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Khalwat ke bad agar talaaq huwi to dobarah nikaah hosakta he? Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Drinking water one minute after sehri time ends Sehri and Iftaar, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Is a small amount of waterproof substance excused in wudhu? Faraaidh of wudhu, Wudhu, Tahaarat
Purchasing expensive toys for one's child Gifts, Business and Dealings