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Accountability due to being affected by wasaawis
Accountant preparing financial statements accountant, business, earnings, finance
Accountant recording an interest transaction
Accountant sood ki entry karna
Accountant taking out a portion of his wealth and giving it to the poor for recording interest transactions
Accumulated interest in an FNB account
Accumulating interest money interest money, zakaat
Accumulating interest money fines, interest money
Accumulating interest money accumulate, interest money
Accusing someone of doing black magic
Accusing someone of doing black magic based on a dream
Accusing someone of of putting sihr and jadu on oneself
Accusing someone on the basis of a dream
Accusing somone of putting sihr and jadu on oneself
Achche logo ke saath rehna dream, pious company, urdu
Ache insan ke sath bura or bure ke sath acha kiyu hota he?
Acknowledging one's mistake
Acquiring a child through in vitro fertilization
Acquiring a child through IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
Acquiring knowledge of worldly sciences knowledge, worldly sciences
Acting in a play about Jesus
Acting in a play as an angel, Nabi, Sahaabi, etc. acting, aqaaid
Acting responsibly in a marital relationship
Action to carry out to see Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in one's dream
Actions of the night
Actions to be done on 1st Muharram
Actor banna
Actress and singer going to Jannah
Acupuncture and massaging the satr area
Ad dekhne ki kamaai
Adaa huwi namaazo ki qadha karna
Adaa huwi namaazo ko dobarah parhna
Adab and respect
Addicted to masturbation
Addicted to porn
Addicted to porn
Addicted to pornography and masturbation addiction, advice, masturbation, porn
Addicted to pornography and masturbation
Addicted to sniffing glue
Addicted to the cellphone
Addicted to watching porn
Addiction of social networking sites
Adding a bell into a toy to make a rattle sound
Adding a clause in a contract that if a person does not complete the work by a certain time then he will be fined and will not receive a salary
Adding Abdul before the name Maalik
Adding fake experience in a job application
Adding more words to the dua in jalsah in salaah
Adding music to a presentation
Adding the condition "Goods belong to the seller until paid for"
