
Forgiving people

Q: I keep hearing that we as Muslims have a duty to forgive others. But how can this be the case if we wish for them to be held accountable on the Day of Judgement?

I don’t want to forgive people who have hurt or harmed me as I want them to be brought to justice. And I don’t understand what is meant by ‘when we forgive it’s for us, not them,’ as forgiving those who have done me wrong does not bring me peace, but knowing they will be held to account does.

Euthanasia for an old dog

Q: A dog is in its old age, and is also very sick. Due to this sickness, the dog groans and cries in immense pain. He struggles to walk so he lives on pain meds. The owners love the dog, he is no trouble at all.

Is it permissible to put him down (euthanasia) due to his ongoing suffering?

Taking advice from a hakeem or physician when using treatments prescribed in the Hadith

Q: Are treatments of various diseases mentioned in hadiths part of wahi? Should we do them or go to a hakeem who has expertise in this field? The Hakeem tells other procedures with the same thing like in hadith cure for pneumonia is mentioned with qustul hind and hakeem also tells a procedure with qustul hind but a different method not the same method told by the prophet.