
Repenting from making bracelets that have signs of shirk

Q: I made thread bracelets for a school project and my family. Since we’re from the subcontinent, amulets are common.

Some of my cousins asked for bracelets and I made them for their children to wear. I made for others but some of those people have moved out of the country and I am no longer in contact with them.

Also I had wandered into astrology and zodiac signs and stuff, discussing it with those around me including my classmates of which some are kaafirs and some Muslims. I did not know these were acts of shirk and most lasted from before to mid puberty. I don't know what to do so I can give charity on their behalf even if they are kaafirs since I'm not in touch with them.

Before I rarely prayed and fasted but now I know alhamdulillah I’m more practicing and have realized that the shirk I have spread. Is there a way to resolve the issue? I have no idea of their intentions and some are requesting bracelets but what should I say. 

Sin for being determined to carry out a sinful action

Q: Is the following correct:

If you think about committing a sin (like to watch a movie), but do not act upon it due to a barrier (e.g. WiFi goes off or you fell asleep) - you GET the sin because if it hadn’t been for that barrier you would have done it. But if you think about it, and do not act upon it due to your conscious or you feel bad to commit the act then you do NOT get the sin. 

Taking pictures of women in hijaab to promote hijaab

Q: I have started an online hijab business and want to promote the hijab. Would it be permissible to have women wearing my hijab on my hijab website? They will be fully covered with no awrah showing and they will not beautify themselves for the pictures. With this business I would also like to influence young women to wear the hijab and talk about Islam and my journey again, I will be fully covered and will not beautify myself for the videos. Will this be permissible? My intentions are to promote the hijab not to promote beauty which is why they will be fully covered and wearing the hijab properly.

Showing good character when working among people

Q: We are a group working together on various assignments. Lately, I started having fights with a friend who is also a co-worker due to his mood swings. This person presently does not like me due to few issues that took place between us. Please could you provide an emergency wazifa to remove hatred and anger from this person's heart for me so that our friendship can once again be restored.

Greeting with salaam alaikum

Q: Is it ok to just say سلام عليكم? In Hayaatus Sahaabah (Part 2), under chapter 9 -

خروج الصحابة رضي الله عنهم من الشهوات - :التسليم على المسلم - عمل ابي امامة رضي الله عنه في ذالك

A riwaayah comes wherein Abu Umaamah رضي الله عنه said this.