
Following people on Instagram

Q: With regards to my teenage daughter... She loves painting... Like pictures of sceneries etc. non animate objects. Should I allow her to follow other women who are on instagram who also have the same interest. She also loves anything to do with Turkey and follows the news on Turkey and also on instagram. I am not happy with all this. Please enlighten me if its ok for her to be on instagram groups which have only women and if not, please advice me how to discourage her and the harms as well.

Maintaining purdah when keeping family ties

Q: What is more important: segregation between men and women or keeping family ties?

I am asking because in my native place and family, people have almost completely left the rules of segregation between men and women. So, I'm afraid to visit my family members. I have been concerned about the rules of segregation that I stopped visiting my relatives for a long time. But because of this my relations with family members became really bad, which is another bad thing in Deen.

Also, in my current situation I can't survive alone. I need help from my family to survive. I cannot stop visiting them.

Also, many of them are not able to understand my stance on this issue. Many of them are getting a bad image of Islam when I give less importance to family relations. They seem to be going further away from Deen and Imaan because of me.

So, how should I balance?

I am a weak hearted person. I may not be able to boldly oppose the malpractices when I visit my family. Also, I can't bear to see their hearts broken because of me. I am also not able to convince them of our rules.

Now, I am feeling that I should give more importance to maintaing family ties. I am feeling that I should visit them even if I may unintentionally do some sin in the process. Is this the right way to proceed?

How to inculcate gratitude

Q: How can I become a grateful servant of Allah Ta'ala? Even though I know that Allah Ta'ala has given me so many bounties, I still question why he has given others certain things and not me, and I often tend to wish bad for them. I know that this is wrong and I want to change, especially as it is creating a lot of unhappiness in my life. I know that I should look at those below me but I still seem to keep looking at others who have more things than me. I would like to become grateful to Allah Ta'ala for everything He has given me. How can I do this?

Viewing someones files on a computer without the owners permission

Q: I would like to know if this is correct.

There is a person who lent me his computer. I connected to my internet account from his computer and by closing the session I forgot to disconnect my account from his computer. Is it allowed for the owner of the computer to view my files which are stored on Google Drive? Does this person have the right to go to consult my Google Drive account without my knowledge and without having my permission or authorization?

Chatting after Esha salaah

Q: What are the rulings of Shariah on social activities and chatting after Esha prayer. Nowadays, we see people start visiting relatives after Esha or just sit at home and chat with the family as according to them this is the only free time they have?

How about the same with one’s spouse? Is there any clear guideline on it in oue beloved Shariah and what is the sunnah?