
Interacting with a Qaadiyaani

Q: We have asked some people after some authentic proof if they are Qadiyaanis but they are denying it and saying that there is nothing like that but the person who told us about them is a very close blood relation. They are denying all of these. Now we are in a fix as to what to do. Whom should we believe?


Q: What are the conditions of eunuchs in Islam in view of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith if they trust whole heartedly and fulfill such as Kalima, Salaat, Fast, Zakaat, Hajj, etc.? 

Nurse paying blood money for a patient that passed away

Q: I am working as a nurse in a clinic. One day a certain patient came and had been diagnosed with Malaria. The same day he was injected with diclofenac injection intramuscular for reducing fever and other antimalaria intravenous injection also.

The problem is that the place where we injected that diclofenac, that area swelled and the patient showed me after 3 days. On the 4th day he came back with a bad condition. When we tried to investigate other problems, we found he had hypoglycemia (low sugar) and anemia (low blood) but we decided to transfer him to the biggest hospital. Finally he died there.

My question is: what I should do? I am confused since I don't know whether he died because of that abscess or those other conditions he had. My aim is to pay blood money or fast as it is mentioned in the Holly Qur'an if you kill by mistake.

Taking herbs as medication

Q: I would like to know if taking herbs for health reasons from a herbs doctor (boil herbs in water, drink remaining after straining ) is permissible. It sometimes includes animal bones (dried condition). Is it ok to drink it after boiling in water together with other herbs?

Not disclosing information due to fear of envy

Q: Not disclosing information due to fear of envy. Is it okay to avoid a question or not answer it truthfully out of fear of envy and jealousy?

During my last pregnancy, I shared the good news openly with my immediate family, not thinking that they would be jealous. I went through quite a few problems after. Since then I have come to realise through experience that some of my family are very envious especially my sister in law. This time I don’t feel right to share any good news with them at all. I can see from their facial expressions and actions that they do not rejoice in my happiness so now that I have gotten good news Alhamdulillah I feel like keeping it discreet.

I am confused and need to know if this is even okay. I don’t want to displease Allah by lying. Allah is The Protecter, but at the same time I don’t know if I should keep this news to myself, as I have read it in a Hadith. Please advise me as to what is the best approach Islamically.