
Performing salaah while on the aeroplane


1. If I am travelling on an aeroplane, and the salaah time enters, then what is the correct way of performing salaah and what timing do I follow for each salaah?

2. If there is not enough space to perform salaah due to the aircraft being small, or the airline does not allow me to stand and perform salaah, will it suffice for me to sit in my seat and perform my fardh salaah?  


Q: If one wasn’t sure if he was a Saahib-e-Tarteeb or not i.e. if he had 7 prayers to make up and then made 2 up and had 5 remaining and went to make up missed prayers and then it was close to the Makrooh time of Asr and he hadn’t prayed Asr and wasn’t sure if he should perform Asr first and then do Qada or whether he had to do Qada first. What should he do?