
Women's satr exposed in salaah


1. I now wear 2 khimars, 2 shalwars, 1 half-sleeve T-shirt underneath two kurtas, and a pair of gloves (and I try my best to tuck in the sleeves of the 2 kurtas into them) until the wrists because my clothes are thin and quite see-through. After wearing these clothes, I feel comfortable, Alhamdulillah, that the satr is not going to be seen.

My question now is that if a woman goes into sajdah and if she is wearing a see-through kurta (and no other shirt) and even though her khimar (which reaches almost until her knee cap when she is standing) still covers her body during sajdah by draping around it but does not cover the kurta itself such that if someone (like an angel or a jinn) were to watch her from below the ground, they would see the kurta uncovered by the khimar but someone standing on the ground could not see anything underneath the khimar at all. Does this invalidate the prayer?

2. If two limbs are exposed during Salaah, each less than a quarter of its whole area, how can a woman know if it invalidated her prayer? What is the length she can measure to?

3. If a woman wears shalwar (which kind of shows her figure but is not figure-hugging like tights), then is her Namaz valid?

Return journey being safr distance

Q: If a person travelled from place A to B with no intention of going anywhere else and it's not safr distance. However, on the return journey, he goes another route and stops at town C. Does he read qasr or full? The distance to C is NOT qasr distance from town A but qasr distance because of the roundabout way that he went there

Fidyah for missed salaah

Q: My father passed away recently and was in hospital and unable to perform salaah for a few days. We have tallied up the salaats (5 daily salaats including witr) from the time he was admitted. We have calculated 63 salaats.

The query relates to firstly the Sadaqatul Fitr figure which we are unsure how to calculate and the persons to whom we may distribute this amount to. My father missed salahs during the period 9th - 19th August 2021.

Method of making salaam with the imaam after salaah

Q: Should a follower in salaah make salaam:

1. Simultaneously with the imaam

2. After the imaam (such that he waits for the imaam to complete his right salaam and thereafter does his own right salaam, then waits for the imaam to complete his left salaam and then does his own left salaam)

3. Do the right salaam after the imaam but the left salaam simultaneously with him

Sometimes an imaam has completed his head movement but is still stretching the words of the salaam. If we are to do our salaam after the imaam's, should we do it as soon as he has completed his head movement or should we wait until he has also completed uttering the words?