
Doing Istikharah to find out the truth

Q: Can I do istikharah for knowing the truth or is there any dua for revealing the truth?

Recently, I have been stuck into some confusions and doubts about my partner. But I really don't know if he is telling the truth or not. I saw many hints that's why I just cannot put trust on him. It's killing me inside. I cannot concentrate in my daily work. I don't know if it's true or shaytan is making me think things? So I badly want to know the truth so that I can stable my mind and move on. Is there any solution or any dua?

Is Mina part of Makkah?

Q: I have read a fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband that Makkah and Mina are separate places till the day of judgement and also opinion of yours is same. So as there is another opinion which states now Mina is part of Makkah (only for prayer to be full or Qasar).

1. Does that mean that the fatwa which says stay in Makkah before Haj is calculated is intact and will not change?

2. I also came to know that these are differences in fiqhi masaail and it has been there since the Sahaaba, so one should follow anyone and shouldn't object to others.

3. Will a person be sinful if he follows anyone?

Performing qasar salaah when staying in a place for less than 14 days

Q: A person went to a city intending that he will stay there for 14 days and was performing qasar salaah alone until he noticed his wife and mother were performing full salaah. He told them that their stay in the city was 14 days and they should perform qasar salaah.

1. Is it correct?

2. I also heard that the intention of a man is counted if he is with his family. Is it correct?