
Moving one's lips while reciting duas in salaah

Q: I heard from a shaik that one should move his lips while reciting azkaar in salaah or in general, and he gave the example of "one will not get sin if they think of sinning except they say or act on it. and the shaik said that so similar the good deeds!"

a. Once I read in a hadith that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) never moved his lips in Salatul Asr. (I was not aware of the authenticity of that and I also remember that I read it from Sahih Muslim/Bukhari). 

b. I heard from another shaik that if someone around you recites anything only by moving his lips or some phrase with a sound and some without, then he said that one should warn such a person to stop it or read it clearly and loudly, if not then we have to tell them that "you are a witch person and will reveal it to everyone if you don't, (because it is an act of witches or magicians, the shaik said)" now which is correct and in which situations?

Performing salaah with a distance between musallis and with a mask

Q: Prayers are offered in Masajid these days with distances between musallees being about one meter and leaving the alternate saff empty. Also, we need to wear a thin mask during prayers. This way the nose does not get in contact with the ground.

1. Are our prayers valid with distances in between?

2. Are our prayers valid with a face mask on? 

Amal-e-katheer in salaah

Q: Is it correct that if a person does an action that is not part of Salaah. e.g. scratching the body, etc. for more than 3 tasbeeh, the Salaah is broken?

If one performs Salaah behind someone who does this... Does he have to repeat his Salaah?

Not reciting Surah Faatihah in the third and fourth rakaat of a fardh salaah


1. If a person intentionally does not recite surah fatiha in the third or fourth rakat of a fard prayer but stands for the duration of three subhanallahs or more and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid. And if that person stands for less than the duration of three subhanallahs and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid.

2. If a person forgets to recite surah fatiha in the third or fourth rakat of a fard prayer but stands for the duration of three subhanallahs or more and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid. And if that person stands for less than the duration of three subhanallahs and then goes into ruku will that person’s prayer be valid or invalid.