
Performing salaah at home if there is social distancing in one's masjid

Q: With the distances of one meter at the Masjid, some people prefer to perform their salaat in jamaat in other private places (like in a house) with their shoulders together. They perform the five salaat and the jumuah salaat in houses with their shoulders together? Is it correct? Or is it better for these people to come to the Masjid ?

Performing salaah a few degrees away from the qiblah

Q: I would like to confirm if the following is correct: 

1. Someone told me that when reading salaah, when facing the qibla, if you are a few degrees wrong then it is maaf.

2. If someone is reading salaah facing the wrong direction then you must turn them towards the right direction or tell them and they can turn to the right direction without breaking their salaah and their salaah will be accepted. 

Making niyyat of four rakaats and making salaam after two rakaats

Q: If a person commences performing four rakaats sunnat ghair muakkadah, before Asr or Esha, but due to the jamaat salaah starting, he only performs two rakaats instead of four, then will he need to perform these four rakaats later on after the jamaat? (The reason I am asking is that I have read that once we start salaah, even a nafl salaah, it becomes waajib to complete it.)

Repeating Esha fardh and sunnat if the fardh was invalid


1. If we perform Esha Fard, sunnat and witr and nafl but after the time of the prayer has expired we realized that the fard was not valid, what qadha do we need to offer (from the Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl)?

2. If we perform Esha Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl and before the time has expired, we realized that the fard was not valid, what do we we need to repeat (from Fard, sunnat, witr and nafl)?

Raising the index finger during tashahud

Q: I have come across a Hadith narrated by Wail ibn Hujr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) on the description of the prophetic prayer in Abu Dawood, and there I found that we should raise the index finger from the starting of tashahud to the end of salah and we should slightly move (shivering/vibrating it in an infinitesimally small distance) but the people of my community raise their finger only while saying ash hadu an la I laha... (I know both of it can be done, but I would like to prefer the authenticity one) and so I did it up to now! Hanafi/Shafi school do it I think so, but could you please tell me what to do now.