
Salatul Faatih

Q: Some Tijaniyya, not the entire group says:

Salat al-Fatih: "This prayer is 'equivalent to the recitation of all prayers of glorification to God (tasbih) that have ever been said in the universe, all Sufi prayers or remembrance of God (dhikr), every invocation (du’a) long or short . (Jawahir, p. 57.)

What is the fazaa'il of that, is it correct?

Missing an aayah in salaah

Q: While reciting qiraat in salaah, I missed the third aayah of Surah Naas (Ila hinnaas). The remainder of the surah was completed.

1) Should I have made a Sajdah e Sahw?

2) If Sajdah e Sahw was necessary, but was not made, should the salaah be repeated?