
Intention of different nafl salaah when performing one nafl salaah

Q: I came to know by one of the dawat-o-tabligh elders that we can make intention of many different namazes (e.g: if we are praying ishraq then we can make intention of tahiyaatul wudhu, tahiyyatul masjid, salaatul hajat, salaatul taubah, etc.)

1. Is it true?

2. How many total extra niyyats can we make for a two rakat nafil?

3. Can we do the same for zohar, maghrib and isha nafl prayers?

Instilling respect for salaah within the child

Q: My husband insists that my 9 year old son cannot offer salaah in loose shorts which are below the knee. He insists upon trousers quite recklessly and even makes him wear a thobe on top of his T-shirt and shorts. I am concerned that he is overcomplicating simple guidelines on which he can create lots of confusion in a developing childs brain.

Isn't this an innovation? It's not a precaution, but more of an obsession as people all over the world offer salaah in loose shorts below the knee.

Checking for qibla with an app

Q: On a trip out of town that necessitated qasar salaah, my sister checked the qibla direction using 2/3 apps. 2 gave a certain direction and the 3rd gave a different direction. We thus read our salaah according to the qibla direction from the two that were the same. However on the day we were leaving, I was on the balcony watching the sunrise and realised the sun was rising on the exact opposite direction of our qibla direction. In my understanding the qibla direction is north east and the sun rises in the east which meant our qibla was incorrect. Is this right? This doubt is lingering on my mind. Do I have to repeat my salaah? 

Fowl droppings

Q: A fowl came into the home and soiled the carpet with droppings. Should I wash the soiled area only, or do I have to wash the entire carpet? If salaah was performed on the clean portion of the carpet before the entire carpet was washed, will the salaah be valid?