Business and Dealings

Printing personal work using the office printer

Q: I used to print my personal stuff from the office printer as everyone else also did. It is okay to print some amount but I took it too far and printed too much and now I feel guilty. Can I ask my boss if I can print personal things but actually the permission is for things I previously printed or should I confess? I also did this in my previous job. I want to repent properly. 

Working online under someone else's name and profile

Q: My sister recently applied for a tutoring job with good payment online. However, due to being occupied with household chores, she asked me to tutor the kids under her name and profile (without the one who hired knowing) since I am looking for a tutoring online job too. I'm not as qualified as her although I'm qualified enough to tutor those kids but I refused thinking that it would be a deception. Was this act permissible?

Investing in an apartment complex where rentals are shared equally

Q: Please advise if the following form of investment is permissible.

We purchase a two bedroom apartment in a complex which belongs exclusively to us. Nine other people also purchase two bedroom apartments in the complex. All ten of us then enter into a partnership and agreement (with an agent handling the entire portfolio) that we will all hand over our apartments to the agent for rental. However, the proceeds at the end of the month will be shared equally in the partnership among all ten of us, irrespective of whose apartment was leased out more in that period.

Will such a partnership agreement be permissible and valid?

Earning from delivering food with Uber Eats etc.


1. Is earning from food delivery (Uber Eats, deliveroo, etc.) halaal, when most of the food delivered is not halaal?

2. What's the ruling on haraam earning in the past which a person didn't have knowledge at the time of earning but when he got to know its haraam he stopped that source of earning? Is the haraam earning in the past permissible to keep, even when he didn't have knowledge of it as haraam?

Fast food shop adding an extra item into one's meal

Q: I was at this fastfood shop last week and I bought a 3 chicken wings meal. I came home and saw that I was given 4. Normally I don’t worry about this since usually I assume this occurs if one of the wing pieces is small so they give another to compensate, however, because I’m dealing with religious OCD and doubts, I’m worried. I called them today and they confirmed that sometimes they do this for the reason I mentioned above. Can I assume that this is what occurred in my case instead of thinking that they made a mistake?